Marc & Nora ROUND THE WORLD 2005/2006 - Join us!
The North Island: Auckland
So our whirlwind tour (4 weeks) of New Zealand was almost over and arrived back at Steffen´s (Thanks again Steffen for your very kind hospitality!!) place in Auckland where we would spend the next 3 days readying ourselves for South America. A lot of time was spent shopping for warm clothes (only gets colder from this point on) and in Internet cafes burning photos onto cd, booking hostels and generally preparing for the next stage of the trip. We did get to see some more of Auckland though from the very top of the Auckland SkyTower which at 328m tall is the tallest tower in the Southern Hemisphere. We also splashed out and went to see David Gray in concert supported by Pete Murray. It was a really cool concert despite being all seating (not that David Gray is exactly a jump around kind of concert) and everyone being dressed up as if going to the theatre (and there we were in walking boots & cargo pants). But after seeing the wobbly headed performed up close it really is amazing how he hasn´t suffered any permanent neck damage. It was a really nice end to our stay in the antipodean world and with me excited like a child on Christmas eve and Nora a little terrified of what lay ahead we said goodnight to New Zealand.
Our very kind host and ´chauffeur´ stefen gave us a lift to the Airport the next day where Nora and I hoped to be told that the flight was overbooked and that we would have to stay overnight in a complementary hotel with 400pounds each in our pockets (just like in London). Unfortunately the flight had seats free and we were checked in. Within the hour we were in the air over the pacific en route to a new country, a new continent and and new world (well it was for us at least)!

auckland skyline

auckland tower and marc doing the skyjump

auckland from above

steffen and lily

auckland tower by night
Start of journey: | Sep 12, 2005 |
Duration: | 11 months |
End of journey: | Jul 31, 2006 |
United Kingdom
Australia & Pacific
New Zealand
South America