Marc & Nora ROUND THE WORLD 2005/2006 - Join us!
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11 months are over - we cant believe it!
Of course it was nice to see our family and friends again after such a long time but it is also very frustrating and sad - i think every round-the-world backpacker knows what I am talking about.
For the last 11 months we did not have any obligations or responsibilities to anyone else - we lived every single day how we wanted to and didnt have to justify anothing to anybody.
We saw so much, we did so much, we experienced extreme poverty but so much genuine friendliness and joy, mostly amongst those poorest people. Now back in the modern and civilised world it seems really tough to ignore that people moan and groan about everything. it seems that even though we live a wealthy life compared to most other people in the world we are much more unhappy than people that only own 2 shirts and 2 pants.
And it is scary to realise how quickly it goes to get back into the same pattern, how quickly i already started moaning like all the others...
...This trip (or long holiday like most of you call it) will be a memory for life! We both learned a lot and i think that this experience has also changed us (hopefully for good). We definitely appreciate little things in life more than we used to and we also hope to make more with our spare time than just hanging around...
...distances are there to be solved!
...the enormous amount of photos (XX how many) will help us to recall certain events and situations...
..and as Franca Magnani said: "Who remembers, lives twice"
We hope that we can re-live this amazing 11 months many times in our thoughts and dreams.

our final amount of luggage - the big orange bag on the right is full of pressies & souvenirs....

My god - time for a hair cut! the mullet man marc!

back in vienna - mum, oma, marc (still with beard) and hobbit trevor

at karin's heuriger in kottaun

meeting uschi's dad walter and his wife renate - and re-living memories as they both have been to most of the places where we have been
Start of journey: | Sep 12, 2005 |
Duration: | 11 months |
End of journey: | Jul 31, 2006 |
United Kingdom
Australia & Pacific
New Zealand
South America