
Travel time: December 2006 - January 2007  |  by Christina E.

Phi Phi Ley: Pileh Cove

Pileh Cove is mainly the point where two limestone formations jut out of the water, creating a narrow focal point for boats to go through. You can't really see the wedge in between the rocks from here, but they're there!

© Christina E., 2007
You are here : Overview Asia Thailand Pileh Cove
The trip
I once read somewhere that when you go to Thailand, you can't wait to leave it... ...but you also can't ... [more]
wait to go back. That much we agree with. Here is our story, we hope you enjoy reading as much as we've enjoyed experiencing it! [less]
Start of journey: Dec 21, 2006
Duration: 13 days
End of journey: Jan 02, 2007
Travelled countries: Thailand
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