John's Around the World Adventure 2005/2006

Travel time: December 2005 - June 2006  |  by John Davies

Hong Kong

Hong Kong was my final stop on my round the world adventure. It certainly lived up to its lively reputation with much to see and do!

I met up with an English guy called Jonny, whom i did most of my siteseeing with. I had chosen to stay on the Kowloon region, opposite Hong Kong Island, in a pretty nice hotel. Kowloon is actually lively, if not more so, than mainland Hong Kong, with loads of stuff going on, day or night.

We managed to take a trip up the Hong Kong Hill via a cable car for beautiful panoramic views of Scyscrapers, as far as the eye could see! Fantastic Sight!

Although Hong Kong has reverted back to being Chinese-occupied, the City is still very Westernised in terms of its glitzy, state of the art shopping malls, towering neon office blocks, rapid and automatic transport systems shooting around everywhere. The scyscrapers even take part in a spectacular pyrotechnic light and sound show when it gets dark every evening, just the job!

Besides the glamorous side, Hong Kong has wonderful choices for Chinese food, markets and has many museums, parks and places of interest to explore. I wish i had longer than a week here it was so good!



City view over the Happy Valley Racecourse.

City view over the Happy Valley Racecourse.

The tall Trams pictured here were excellent value for money!

The tall Trams pictured here were excellent value for money!

Chinese Garden- Kowloon Park

Chinese Garden- Kowloon Park

More Scyscrapers

More Scyscrapers

Exhibition Centre

Exhibition Centre

Star Ferries Ride to Hong Kong

Star Ferries Ride to Hong Kong

Bank of China was an impressive building!

Bank of China was an impressive building!

Philippino workers decended on the subways, laid out blankets, ate, drank and generally were merry. This is part of a long standing custom.

Philippino workers decended on the subways, laid out blankets, ate, drank and generally were merry. This is part of a long standing custom.

Neon Lights of Nathan Road, Kowloon

Neon Lights of Nathan Road, Kowloon



Blue Ice was Awesome!

Blue Ice was Awesome!

City View from Hong Kong Hill

City View from Hong Kong Hill

Dragon Boat Race, Stanley

Dragon Boat Race, Stanley

Hong Kong during light Show

Hong Kong during light Show

Cable Car

Cable Car

Times Square

Times Square





This wonderful Golden Bauhina statue was presented to Hong Kong following its handover in 1997

This wonderful Golden Bauhina statue was presented to Hong Kong following its handover in 1997

Escalators and walkways were absolutely everywhere!

Escalators and walkways were absolutely everywhere!

Nathan Road

Nathan Road

Hong Kong Island

Hong Kong Island

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong's numerous escalators seeminly cut through the hills!

Hong Kong's numerous escalators seeminly cut through the hills!

Rain was a pest on my trip as you can see here!

Rain was a pest on my trip as you can see here!

© John Davies, 2006
You are here : Overview Asia Hong Kong Hong Kong
The trip
Following masses of preperation my trip of a lifetime was finally a reality. Beginning in the adventurous ... [more]
New Zealand, before taking in delights of Australia over Christmas. Bali was next on the agenda, trading in the comfort of the West for drastic cultural differences of East Asia. The modern city of Singapore next acted as a stepping stone for travel over-land through Malaysia and island-hopping around Thailand. My Adventure finally ended amongst the neon scyscrapers of Hong Kong. [less]
Start of journey: Dec 01, 2005
Duration: 6 months
End of journey: Jun 02, 2006
Travelled countries: New Zealand
Hong Kong
The Author
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