My trip around the world... India

Travel time: July 2004 - December 2007  |  by Nicole Schemionek

17.12. Bombay

the 15th of december chris and me took the train to bombay from kannyakumari... it took us two days to come here. exactely 47.5 hours. it was quite fun on the train. I got almost caught smoking a cigarette in the doorway by the police. afterwards I only went to the toilet smoking. the flying vendors and beggars where there constantly. it was quite irritating but i was laying in the upper bed so it was ok. only when they started to touch you, it was no fun anymore. the first day I was reading and sleeping a lot and the second day I was only reading. i went to sleep at 11 but couldn't sleep because the babys around were crying really loud. so I stayed awake the whole night. this morning at 5 we arrived in bombay. we went to an 24 internet cafe and then to a coffee shop to get some coffee to keep us going. we also went to indian airways to reconfirm our flights. we were just in time, they were just about to cancel our tickets... On sunday we are flying out to thailand... I am curious... I will write from there the next time.

I got sick the last days in varkala and I thought it was malaria. I got tested for 50 rps and it wasn't. maybe it was just a virus. I had high fever and my whole body was aching... but this is over now... so no worries...

hope you are all doing well...


You are here : Overview Asia India 17.12. Bombay
The trip
It began July 5, 2004: 8 hours flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Mumbai - where I arrived in an early Indian morning.
Start of journey: Jul 05, 2004
Duration: 3 years
End of journey: December 2007
Travelled countries: India
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