Chile - Bolivia 2006
Back to Chile - Valparaiso
Back to Chile again and after so many inside mountains, we decided to travel to the pacific coast, to Valparaiso, which is the most important Chilean harbor. I personally preferred it to Santiago...

Quite sporting place, you have to go up and down the hill continuously. Fortunately some people had the good idea to put some elevators to help you climb a couple of streets at a time
Valparaiso was more famous during the XIX century mostly due to the fact that it was the first harbor to be crossed after the Cap Horn before Bolivia - so beautifully placed for boats coming over several parts of the world. That´s why it was the city of Chile that was the most world influenced - and advanced. Until the earth-quake of 1906, where most part of the constructions collapsed and approx. 6.000 people died. Then came the opening of the Panama Channel which put Valparaiso out of the international route. But still. Since 1990 the Parliament of Chile has its seat there and the harbor is still called Chile´s navel of the world. For my part, I like the flair of this town.

We spent the night in a peaceful, charming pension right in the middle of the artist quarter. In price inclusive: the sea view at breakfast

Quite complicated construction. Don´t know how they handle it to make it working. Thing is: it does

Quite a lot of traffic in the harbour area, and coming from the middle of nowhere, 1-2 huge yachts

Mix of nice colored houses and grey buildings. Although astonishing but not untypical on this continent: the railroad right between see front and houses, e.g... on the beach.

The well colored artist quartier

I will recall this city "The up-and-down-town". Fortunatey it is at 0 m. And fortunately some clever guys came up with the idea of the outside elevators at the end of some streets. Amazing, isn´t it?

I like these local groceries still with the old stuff

I don´t know them, was just for the picture...
But this is also part of the artist quartier to have one´s hair done while visiting

Ingrid (or Gridou) and her first feet bath in the pacific ocean. Not cold at all

First time I see Pelicans, so nothing special, I just had to make a picture.

Most part of South American pupils wear uniforms. In the region from Santiago to the North they are navy blue, the paints replace the dresses the highest the altitude is
Start of journey: | Mar 15, 2006 |
Duration: | 3 weeks |
End of journey: | Apr 07, 2006 |