Cambodia 2004

Travel time: July / August 2004  |  by Christian Werner


The 11th day of our journey brought us to the south to the beachtown of Sihanoukville. Once we left the bus it was starting to rain. And it shouldn´t stop until we have left. The town and its beach looked very nice, especially the small beach bars. But the weather was horrible. Because Nicole went sick as well we decided to leave Sihanoukville as soon as possible on the 3rd day of our stay here. We escaped to Thailand to find a beach with better weather there. While it was still showering we took two of these moto taxis and went to the harbour. Of course our raining jackets wouldn´t help us on the moto so we arrived at the harbour totaly wet. Then the horrorble boottrip starts. While we were still wet they put the aircon up to a maximum (this is typical for South East Asia). It was that cold that we were both freezing, tough we were wearning long shorts and long shirts. Nicole went seasick. So we were happy when we reached Koh Kong, the Cambodian bordertown. Once we left the boat the next hazzle started. The drivers who were there to bring us to the border went very agessive. Screaming loudly, one tuged my left arm while anotherone tuged my right arm and a third one my rucksack. While using the whole power of my body we tried to find a way to one of those pick- ups which should bring us to the border. Arriving at the border the companion of the driver asked for US$3.00 for the trip while we agreed on US$1.00 before. And it came as it should. Just Nicole and me and another couple paid US$1.00 and left straightly, everybody else on the pick- up started to discuss about the price...

The border was passed quickly and Nicole felt better. While we thought about going to Trat and going to the beach somewhere there we found a minibus who brought us all the way back to Bangkok, where we arrived close to midnight.

© Christian Werner, 2005
You are here : Overview Asia Cambodia Sihanoukville
The trip
Angkor, Chong Kneas, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville...
Start of journey: Jul 19, 2004
Duration: 3 weeks
End of journey: Aug 07, 2004
Travelled countries: Cambodia
The Author
Christian Werner is an active author on break-fresh-ground. since 19 years.