Backpacking (Central/Eastern) Europe
Germany: Schokolade Museum
Highlights of the Schokolade Museum:
*The Chocolate Waltz-- to which, I used my musical abilities to read the notes and proceeded to serenade Adam (in German).
*Interesting information such as people trading 100 cacao beans to purchase a male slave, or that there once was a Guatemalan emperor named "Cocoa"
*People busting out their fine silver and saucers to drink chocolate
*How shady companies used olive oil and brick dust to increase the volume of chocolate, thereby forming the chocolate league for the safety guidelines in preserving the cacao
*The Lindt's chocolate factory!
*Chocolate cake and "milk" (or, rather creamer...ick)
The entrance into the Chocolate Museum!
The process of making chocolate:
5. Using a sharp metal object, cut the bean open and extract the bitter cacao powder. Grind the powder into a paste, add milk, cream, sugar and voila, chocolate is born!
Fancy wares to serve chocolate drink in
The chocolate process
This was pretty cool...
The Giving Tree...that gives, what else? CHOCOLATE
We sample the wafer dipped in fresh chocolate... it was so yum!
Into the chocolate store:
Usually, I'm not a big fan of chocolate. I hardly buy it, and I rarely eat it. But it's like that one time when I saw the movie "Chocolat", something about smelling, and watching and being around it made me want to devour it today.
And, now for our slice of chocolate cake!

After taking the Schokolade Express back to the hostel, Adam and I showered, got ready and headed back out for some dinner
Having a bit of fun...
During our dinner, a 'local sheriff' (employed by the establishment of course) told us dinner folks that we would need to be vigilante about keeping in the peace, and that if we noticed anything out of the ordinary, when we reported the 'crime' and if we spun the 'wheel of alcohol', landing on our table number, we'd get our entire drinks comped that night!
Well, luckily, we were sitting at my lucky number '14' table and I went in to spin the wheel (I was the only volunteer! haha). The 'sheriff' recruited two 'gentleman' to keep me company. Well, these gentleman had to tell me which direction to spin the wheel, and when I spun, the spoke fell to....number 14! I was so happy!
Well, the sheriff then asks me:
"So what crime can you report that happened tonight?"
I picked my brain real quick, and I replied, "Earlier, sir, there was a woman sitting and her pants were low, so we saw her buttcrack."
He laughed, "Unfortunately, here in Germany, that is not a crime!"
I laughed. "Well back in America, it's considered indecent exposure!"
He discussed this with his fellow "officers" (management) and after much whispering and glancing in my direction, they decided to comp us our entire drinks for free! We'd only drank about $20 worth, so it wasn't a big deal. On top of that, they gave me some German vodka and a round of pictures were taken.
Adam ended up being such a gentleman and paid for dinner so that way, I would feel like I had the entire "winning experience". So sweet!
Now for my chance at the wheel

Start of journey: | Aug 13, 2008 |
Duration: | 3 weeks |
End of journey: | Aug 31, 2008 |